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About hprof

hprof is a profiler which is built into the JDK. The java interpreter runs hprof when it is invoked with the option -Xrunhprof. By default, hprof dumps profile data to the file java.hprof.txt; this can be changed using the file option.

For more information on hprof, see the prophIt hprof page.

The hprof Ant task makes it easy to profile any Java program using the standard Ant java task.

Quick Start

To get quickly up and running with hprof:
  1. Define a java Ant task in your Ant build file. Next, define the hprof taskdef in your build file according to the following example:
      <taskdef name="hprof" classname="net.sf.antprof.HProf" classpath="/path/to/antprof.jar" />
  2. Wrap an hprof task around the java task:
      <target name="profile">
          <java classpathref="class.path" classname="your.Application" />
  3. Generate the profile data file by running:
      ant.bat profile
    This command gathers CPU profile information and dumps it to the file java.hprof.txt when the Java VM exits.
  4. Load the profile data file into prophIt, or inspect it in a text editor.

Common Options

Note : No task attributes are required.
destfileSpecify an alternate output file name, according to the following example:
  <hprof destfile="app.hprof.txt">
    <java classpathref="class.path" classname="your.Application" />
(java.hprof if binary="yes")

Advanced Options

In descending order of general usefulness

Note : No task attributes are required.
  • samples
    When the 'times' is not set, hprof is in 'samples' mode. In 'samples' mode, hprof only interrupts the execution of the program a few times a second. JVM performance is not severely impacted, but not very much data is gathered for quick-running programs.
  • times
    Use for programs that run in less than 10 seconds. In 'times' mode, hprof counts each method entry and exit, which is comprehensive but slow.
  • old
    Emulate java -prof
  • off
    Disable CPU profiling

    See this paper on profiling methods for a discussion of samplinig and timing methods.

  • samples
    stackDepth Increasing the stack depth can improve the resolution of the profile, at the expense of increasing the size of the data file.

    Each time the hprof CPU profile is activated (either periodically in 'samples' mode, or for each function entry and exit in 'times' mode), hprof examines the call stack of each thread. A counter is maintained for each unique call stack. When the profile data is dumped to the data file or network connection, each call stack is written along with its counter. This option specifies the depth of each call stack.

    hotspotIf you are using the JDK 1.2, AntProf automatically turns off the HotSpot interpreter. If you are having trouble with hprof in a newer version of Java, you can manually specify hotspot="no" and AntProf will turn off HotSpot. Yes
    netAddressInstructs hprof to send the profile data file out to a socket connection. Specified as <host>:<port>.

    netAddress and destfile cannot both be used in the same task.

    dumpThreadInclude the thread ID in the stack traces. If this option is not enabled, all matching stack traces are grouped together regardless of which thread they come from. No
    binaryInstruct hprof to use its binary format for the data file. This binary format is not documented so this option is not very useful. No

    AntProf notes

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